Removing a wasp nest can be tricky, but trending now are ways to remove a nest naturally and safely. Below are some popular suggestions to try when removing a nest.

Identify what you have – When handling your own pest control, it is important to first identify exactly what type of nest you have. First, determine if you have a wasp or honey bee nest. The biggest difference between a wasp and a honey bee is the type of food they eat. Typically, wasps will feed on other insects. Honey bees will feed on pollen and nectar. Wasp nests can vary in shape and size and can be found under the eaves of buildings, burrowed into furniture, or even in the ground, as is the case with yellow jackets. Wasps can be categorized in two categories: social wasps and solitary wasps. Social wasps include hornets, yellow jackets, and paper wasps. Social wasp nests have a tendency to be much larger in population, and the wasps tend to be more aggressive. An example of a solitary wasp is a mud dauber wasp.

The natural approach – If you determine that you do in fact have honey bees and not wasps, try to see if you have local bee keepers in the area. Many bee keepers will remove a honey bee nest for for a nominal fee, or even for free. If, however, you have wasps, consider using natural methods to remove the nest. Natural insecticides exist that include all food-grade ingredients. One popular ingredient for wasp removal is peppermint oil. A mixture of peppermint oil, water, and unscented shampoo is very successful at repelling wasps. Natural insecticides work exactly like chemical aerosol sprays, but contain natural ingredients. People have also had success using everyday dish soap mixed with water in a sprayer. Another natural way to remove a wasp nest is to carefully and quickly enclose the entire nest in a bag and tightly secure the top. Place the bag in a deep bucket of water with a heavy rock on top of it to keep the nest submerged. Leave the nest for several days to ensure the colony is dead. Using any one of these natural wasp removal techniques is very effective without having to use harsh chemicals and insecticides.

Tips for removal – Always spray or remove a wasp nest at night. This ensures that both the queen and worker wasps will be in the nest. Also, wasps are much less aggressive at night. Simply removing a nest is not going to eliminate the wasp infestation. Surviving wasps will simply build another nest in its place. Always wear protective clothing and equipment. Be sure to wear a long-sleeve shirt, protective eye-wear, and gloves. Wear a bee hat if possible. Hornets and yellow jackets can be particularly aggressive and dangerous when removing a nest.